On se casse
allant avec notre autosuffisance,
chacun un tour de Babel imprenable,
les langues dégueulasses de trop discuter malfaisance,
il faut se taire, et la seule manière qu’on sait se tomber,
c’est se convertir en sable
qui refuse devenir le verre,
qui nie la terre, fuyant pour se cacher
dans l’inconscience de l’océan,
il faut se brancher seule, pour bien concentrer
sur la connexion tranchée,
laissant les haut-parleurs communiquer
à nos frères et soeurs l’état de notre âme
fragmenté, les morceaux enflâmes,
électricité courant partout comme une lame:
on avait pensé que c’était sain, sous notre contrôle
dans la main jamais tremblante
mais c’est seulement, mente seule, maintenant,
qu’on sent, dans tous les sens, le fil au cou.
Mais les possibilités étincelantes!
On a des forums mondiaux où tous se trouvent
Partie d’une communauté d’information sainte;
Connaissances d’atrocités (partagé) émeuvent:
On bouge face à cette déluge épouvantable.
Réjouissance enfin: l’organisation d’action
Envoyant des messages d’espoir, idées, fables
D’un monde meilleur où la satisfaction vient
Pour apaiser les protestes des ancêtres
Tourmentés par des objets morts, des simples choses,
Qui n’ont jamais été vivants, mais nos prêtres
Politiques les ont consacrés, les imposent,
Les lèvent en haute technologie, la magie.
La vraie vie, c’est ce qu’on crée avec conscience
de l’harmonie que l’on augmente ou l’on blesse,
de la sagesse possible et du chemin nuisible
du danger toujours présent dans la puissante science
Qui souvent prie à la culte de l’Economie,
La Logique insulaire cruelle, l’ordre inhumain
des intérêts souverains.
Donc notre rythme doit reconnaître des liens plus subtils (soutiens)
entre ce qu’on considère comme le mien et le tien,
parce que n’importe ou l’on va, cela
demeure toujours vrai: on n’est jamais
séparé, encore lorsqu’on part
On est ensemble.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I beat my hand against asphalt
Thinking how I’d love to see
The road’s rough rigidity
Ripple from the force of me.
I don’t seek morse code
But rather primal beat,
To utilize city streets
To soothe ancestors’ feet
With rhythm reaching past hopes
Trapped in chain gangs’ worksongs
That shuffle modern shoes along.
Help me liberate the throngs
Desiring just memory
By drumming this deep plea
By drumming this deep plea
By drumming this deep plea
To know those underneath
Who built these roads for me.
Their road song is long silent
But the beat’s stuck in my head,
Wrapped so thickly around
My thoughts’ hard violence
That seeking rigid chaos
I find rippling rhythm instead.
Thinking how I’d love to see
The road’s rough rigidity
Ripple from the force of me.
I don’t seek morse code
But rather primal beat,
To utilize city streets
To soothe ancestors’ feet
With rhythm reaching past hopes
Trapped in chain gangs’ worksongs
That shuffle modern shoes along.
Help me liberate the throngs
Desiring just memory
By drumming this deep plea
By drumming this deep plea
By drumming this deep plea
To know those underneath
Who built these roads for me.
Their road song is long silent
But the beat’s stuck in my head,
Wrapped so thickly around
My thoughts’ hard violence
That seeking rigid chaos
I find rippling rhythm instead.
Friday, September 21, 2007
estallidos del corazón en mente
latidos de bombas en ambiente
y por dentro y fuera dependencia
de creencia en el estado de ánimo.
paseo por las calles y canto -
expresión de me llanto
interior - pero choco con la gente
con la misma mente
con todo el ruido del mundo
que como fluido vagabundo
queda siempre en movimiento
y no me deja sólo con lo que siento:
que como viento me vuelo
al suelo del riachuelo
que es mi alma ya no calma:
el insomnio quema camas
y el llano está en llamas
mientras que la ciudad duerme.
latidos de bombas en ambiente
y por dentro y fuera dependencia
de creencia en el estado de ánimo.
paseo por las calles y canto -
expresión de me llanto
interior - pero choco con la gente
con la misma mente
con todo el ruido del mundo
que como fluido vagabundo
queda siempre en movimiento
y no me deja sólo con lo que siento:
que como viento me vuelo
al suelo del riachuelo
que es mi alma ya no calma:
el insomnio quema camas
y el llano está en llamas
mientras que la ciudad duerme.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
How many millions before me
have ridden this train on their way in
on this steel city vein?
Still, I feel none can ignore me
for even if I go under, subsumed in the bloody flow before I done
leaked my peace, I believe my remains will
be exhumed to show
what soft-speaking scars I’ve garnered
thus far along the rough and rowdy ride,
shimmering skin that lightly hints at my inner steel glinting that
steadied my stomach to abide this
that is
“That metal matter,” they will say, “held his fear at bay while
he tried to smile and play with what he had to display.”
Or, even if
someone derides then hides what’s left of me beneath the surface,
the world won’t be bereft of me
because down in the mishmash motley of undercurrent
I’ll dissolve and dispatch into the swirl and swish
of wheelindeals and social spiels
fragments of my feelfully foolish substance
which will imbue this concoction,
scattered to prevent hijacking distraction
and ensure subconscious adoption;
unfulfilled substrata of intentions, to those opposed,
may seem fleeting when I’m no longer on top to give their sleepless seething repose
but no, they will find others to compose their renown
for once they fall, floating through the flow,
from my sad kind of conscious control to the ground,
only then will they lubricate with their slick hope and expedite with their quick calm
the path of those who heed the same call to arms.
So for now, let this vessel carry me on
I will play my part in this far-flung, scarring, scary rhythm
driven by a steel heart that daily feels the come and the go, that frailly heals
the wounds caused by the showy millions scrambling
in and out on the polluting shouting seething of the commuter flow
and that breathes like an iron lung for a comatose millennium.
How many billions before me
have ridden this train on their way in
on this steel city vein?
Still, I feel none can ignore me
for even if I go under, subsumed in the bloody flow before I done
leaked my peace, I believe my remains will
be exhumed to show
what soft-speaking scars I’ve garnered
thus far along the rough and rowdy ride,
shimmering skin that lightly hints at my inner steel glinting that
steadied my stomach to abide
this that is current.
How many millions before me
have ridden this train on their way in
on this steel city vein?
Still, I feel none can ignore me
for even if I go under, subsumed in the bloody flow before I done
leaked my peace, I believe my remains will
be exhumed to show
what soft-speaking scars I’ve garnered
thus far along the rough and rowdy ride,
shimmering skin that lightly hints at my inner steel glinting that
steadied my stomach to abide this
that is
“That metal matter,” they will say, “held his fear at bay while
he tried to smile and play with what he had to display.”
Or, even if
someone derides then hides what’s left of me beneath the surface,
the world won’t be bereft of me
because down in the mishmash motley of undercurrent
I’ll dissolve and dispatch into the swirl and swish
of wheelindeals and social spiels
fragments of my feelfully foolish substance
which will imbue this concoction,
scattered to prevent hijacking distraction
and ensure subconscious adoption;
unfulfilled substrata of intentions, to those opposed,
may seem fleeting when I’m no longer on top to give their sleepless seething repose
but no, they will find others to compose their renown
for once they fall, floating through the flow,
from my sad kind of conscious control to the ground,
only then will they lubricate with their slick hope and expedite with their quick calm
the path of those who heed the same call to arms.
So for now, let this vessel carry me on
I will play my part in this far-flung, scarring, scary rhythm
driven by a steel heart that daily feels the come and the go, that frailly heals
the wounds caused by the showy millions scrambling
in and out on the polluting shouting seething of the commuter flow
and that breathes like an iron lung for a comatose millennium.
How many billions before me
have ridden this train on their way in
on this steel city vein?
Still, I feel none can ignore me
for even if I go under, subsumed in the bloody flow before I done
leaked my peace, I believe my remains will
be exhumed to show
what soft-speaking scars I’ve garnered
thus far along the rough and rowdy ride,
shimmering skin that lightly hints at my inner steel glinting that
steadied my stomach to abide
this that is current.
Monday, September 10, 2007
El mismo movimiento que queda implícito, obvio pero al principio subconsciente cuando uno mira fijamente las tilas del piso, las regularidades de cuadrados encuadrados que envian el ojo por ahi y por allá, siguiendo líneas y formaciones arbritrarias pero reales, esta misma agitación quieta yace dinámicamente en tus ojos, esos relámpagos flojos que traversan el ondulando lago de calma de tu alma, esos abismos repletos, completos con sus posibilidades infinitas, donde creo que me caigo – o sería que vuelo? – y traigo conmigo el consuelo que el cielo y el suelo contienen ese mismo dinamismo y que este aire me pasa silbando como voz que me canta con melodias, ideas y sentimientos que me benedicen con el encanto permanente de este momento fluido.
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