In recognition that many of the things that I write herein are hardly understood by many (including myself), I’ve decided to preface this poem with a definition:
in・ef・fa・ble [in-ef-uh-buhl]
1. incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible: ineffable joy.
2. not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable: the ineffable name of the deity.
I think I’m stuck in an ineffabubble…
fuck, what luck to get stuck in an ineffabubble!
I can’t even manage the prununciation of my situation
much less hold in my mind the meaning of this kind of passing the (or doing?!?) time.
So I guess while one’s in an ineffabubble
it’s best not to stress as if in trouble –
I’ll just relax and roll along, maybe strike up a wordless song,
since this weird world that whirls and twirls and exasperates my grasp
seems to pass fast… and in the lapse of this gasp
could easily stop and pop my dear ineffabubble.