Monday, December 13, 2010

I saw a gangrened leg rotting away my psyche’s locomotion, so I blasted away with my magnum.

She turned, feeling the sting of gunpowder-charred steel in flesh, and returned fire,

Incinerating the leprosy crawling like devil’s ivy up my arm, making my trigger finger twitch.

Friday, November 19, 2010

See things as they’re not

to see what’s beyond what you got on the spot,

a wider panorama, a deeper dig,

as a sleeper dreams, as a walker schemes

beyond the physical state of things,

draw expanding rings from your pebble-of-a-place

where you fell from space into this pond

and beyond, grow in grooves, move fluid…

if you always knew it, then do it,

bit by bit, spit the bitterness of the hum-drum out

of your clogged-up mouth, if you gotta, shout,

so you can again breathe easy,

blink and rethink first glances till you get trances

and see the seething on the surface of the ordinary…

only then will you sink deep and join the mass movement underneath

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Almost didn’t make it out of Buenos Aires:

Fell asleep at the gate, emotionally drained,

woke up at last call

shaking like a drunk,

no control of my body,

my step unsteady, I forced myself to fly

even though I walked as if I couldn’t control where my feet

were to land and in which direction.

I could – but I felt under a spell

as if something-someone wouldn’t let me go.

Almost didn’t make it back from Bolivia.

Lingered at the threshold of a disappointing dream

searching for meaning,

Lingered in my shower’s cleansing heat

hoping for healing,

Lingered over my aunt’s homemade yogurt

groping for feeling

The flight’s closed, he said.

Let him go, they cried.

Shaking, I pleaded, like a refugee,

You must let me fly. Please.

My work here is done

and my life there goes on.

The gate opened, I slipped through.

Again, I am in the great between,

gates opening and closing around me

and I stumbling through…

what to?

A woman who loves me, whom I adore…

we are searching for more.

A megalopolis: fascination, inspiration,

opportunity, community, generosity, be what you want to be;

isolation, repulsion, contamination,

arrogance, decadence, inertia… I try to shake it all off, be me.

Work to be done, where to start?

and if begun, where will I end up?

Much as I love this liminal, I dread

getting stuck neither here nor there.

So I seek the land beneath me and all around

for a sign saying HERE!

Land, lay foundation, build your home,

grow the garden of your dreams

so that you may fall asleep inside or out,

open and close the gates at will.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm back, and will be posting regularly again.

Estoy de vuelta, y estaré escribiendo regularmente de nuevo.

Viendo todo por lentes

de repente te sientes distante

distanciado filtrado diferenciado

relegado a un lado apartado de la vida

al costado de la costa cuando

la acción acciona en alta mar

por eso

por telescopio

te proyectas

andando, nadando

por una ruta imaginaria

para que te lleve desde donde estés (eso ni sabes)

hasta allá donde te ves

empapado por las olas,

el va y viene

de aquí y ahora

¿te mojarás?

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I'm going to be taking an extended break from this blog, probably about 2 months long, since I'm directing a feature length documentary in Bolivia... check the project out!

Voy a tomar un break de este blog, probablemente algo así como 2 meses, ya que estoy dirigiendo un largo documental en Bolivia... chequéa el proyecto!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

No es que no hay suficiente (y la verdad es que no hay
para muchos).
Es que todo está tan abundante para tantos…
y los que tenemos no sabemos que hacer con ello.
El problema no es que estamos insensibles (y lo somos)
Es que sentimos demasiado
demasiado fuerte
sensaciones como explosiones en la consciencia
experiencias que interrumpen sapiencia

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Most streets are one way
here in Buenos Aires,
and in many other places, besides.
Bike on whichever side
but you can't go back the way you came,
there and back are never the same

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's been a while since I've posted, since I've been out in the mountains and jungles of Bolivia... I'm back in regular communication, and will be posting every 10 days again. Here's a vid from my travels - watch it in HD if you can.

Monday, April 26, 2010

On high tide
let me ride
my head, the sail
my heart, the wind
the world within

sun and thunder,
come in! come in!
light and sound,
bounce around!
illuminate and harmonize,
make me wise
in ears and eyes,
and I'll let you go again

Saturday, April 17, 2010

There's this woman
got me talkin' on the phone
even when when I'm alone
I love to be alone...
I must love her

There's this city
got me jumpin' in my sleep
even though when at peace
I dream of dreamin' deep...
it must love me

There's this song
got me tryin' to sing along
despite my voice all wrong
rough and tumbling and grumbling
like groans from God above...
it must be love

Thursday, April 01, 2010

just spent a long time in the mountains and jungles of bolivia and peru - back in civilization for now, though things might be sporadic until I finish this job in a bit over a month... anyhow, here's one from the peruvian amazon:

I left the shelter of my
home to seek a shooting star
on which to wish for that which
was lost to me (or by me).

Stepping out into the jungle night,
I looked up to black sky.

Despair pried open my mouth,
anger at the heavens flared my eyes.

No song came out, no vision came in.
I neither breathed nor blinked.

Fully exposed, I might have died there...
but suddenly, my mad openness was filled
with light bursting from a crack in the sky.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Se Busca", dirigido por Mateo Hinojosa, parte 2

Saturday, February 06, 2010

"Se Busca", dirigido por Mateo Hinojosa, parte 1

Friday, January 29, 2010


There are days I hesitate to write the date
fate made time fly and I forget how far it took me
shook me like rough weather and I as light as a fly



Friday, January 15, 2010

"Conventional wisdom brings conventional results,"
"Look before you leap,"
"A stitch in time saves nine,"
They say, and I say, hey,
one of those is fine and good on its own,
but tryin' to do all I should, all alone,
I looked before I leaped
from Here to There, and as I peeked 'round
my feet slipped nine times down the mountain
till There became such high ground
that I could only wistfully wonder
how that greener grass over There might feel under
my toes.

"Just goes to show," They say,
"You shoul've taken the less-beaten road."
I reply with a cry, pointing to my bare feet:
"Simplify! simplify! simplify! Didn't you see
the spiny rocky path that way, They?! eh??"
"Okay, okay," say They, "but no pain no gain."
"Your refrain," say I, "will drive me lame,
plus, I got my own game, my own
reason and rhyme, so though I won't say
I don't appreciate your time,
I will say what's yours ain't mine."
And with that I leapt into the void.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

movimientos profundos, lentos, inexorables,
cambios venerables por su misterio sensible
y no comprensible, por su potencia inasible:
mis pies echan raíces, conocen tierra rica,
no se osan explicar el amar de los nutrientes
que los entran, fluyendo de corrientes subterráneas,
nacidas de entes soberanos integrados a las profundididades;
su leche mamada alimienta al flujo
sus lágrimas apreciadas dan espesura rica
su sangre derramada fecunda nueva vida
nacida integrada al porvenir sísmico surgiendo
del pasado cósmico

me tranquilizo, la paz me permite
abrirme, rendirme para que me entre,
me re-ancle y me recentre la energía de aquellos entes
estos entes aquí y ahora y allá y siempre presentes,
fuentes de fuerza vital y de repente destructiva
para que viva la transformación, la re-alineación
de continentes, el quiebre que abre grietas para nuevas vertientes
que me riegan y me sostienen aquí en quietud creadora.