Questions I have been asking myself:
Can I clean up a meal, wash dishes, and sweep in maximum stillness and quiet, with the minimum amount of effort, as if all this were a Japanese tea ceremony, with virtually no sound, with every object and body part set into motion with utmost care? And can I do this without scrunching my eyes and clenching my ass in useless effort?
Can I set this sleeping infant down, moving imperceptibly slow, without my heart rate going up, without a sound? And should I start a baby qi gong self-help business?
How can I decolonize, depatriarchalize, detraumatize myself and my parenting to allow my child to remain as free as she was born? And maybe I could just be okay with her eating, sleeping, and pooping well without me trying to liberate the bejeezus out of her?
How can I strive for excellence without taking myself too seriously?
How can I strive for excellence without taking myself too seriously?