Tuesday, July 22, 2008

La noche destroza mis ojos rígidos

Gigantes se transforman en molinos
agitando brazos torpes, calcificados
luchando contra el tiempo duradero y la armadura de lo real
sueño poco, y poco lúcido, pero despierto loco de ánimo
y mis ojos chispean de ganas translucientes
(deseos temblores amores...)
Estas andanzas nocturnas
lejos de consciencia
me traen transciencia transcendente
(espejismo, quijotescismo, synaestasismo...)
Aunque no recuerdo con quien soñé
esta energía bendita desbordante
me despierta los sentidos al abrir los ojos
(los oidos la piel la mente...)
Ojalá - oj Allah -
viene de Ella que no se contiene en unidades, categorías, palabras
(ánimo alma espíritu...)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

poor us!
plastered by porous aporias
sometimes we bore us

Friday, July 11, 2008

Another test drive of new methods/media. More to come.
Otra prueba de nuevos métodos/medios. Más en el horizonte.

For best viewing, click on the link to YouTube, then click on the link beneath the image that says "watch in high quality", then make it full screen.

Para ver mejor, haz clic en el link a YouTube, entonces sigue el link debajo de la imagen que dice "watch in high quality" y finalmente hazlo pantalla completa.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I undress the emperor with my eyes
Looking, I pry open the cracks in Babylon’s disguise

My mind has been prodded and pleaded and prized
by cities whose souls got advertised,
but they can’t size me up
now that I drink down the “drink me” potion
(which can’t be sold – its old-soul essence works deeper wonders than skin lotion
–its mind-bending, kind, mending magic quiets commodity commotion)

I drink till I shrink till I sink
to the smothered pores of the great greedy Whore
where the blood of the Beast is dying to breathe
the air she denies but so desperately needs
(well, she has a prescription for a needle injection of what she thinks is nutrition
–so she’s left off breathing of her own volition)

Now that I’m tiny I tickle her grimy dead skin cells
till laughter swells like steam from hell,
till the friction of free, moving diction strokes out the choke
that’s kept her keeping us from going beyond skin-deep

So I’m vision-fasting from ads, petty politics, and other fads
and instead am on a steady diet of faces and other traces
of life amidst the mirages of the commercial desert;
this takes discipline, conviction, and love of strangers,
and even with these, the capitalist dangers capture
whether I like it or not… unless…
I look straight down at cracks in the street
or at my feet – which is not a bad way to know where I stand

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

There’s a boy who comes from the dead side of town. He walks down the back-lit, half-burnt alleyways in which old hobos holler on their old guitars, drinking whiskey and singing to him of the life that has passed them and him by. His profile is bright, that light creating a halo around him, as if someone had taken his photograph and etched out the details around his edges. There’s the general feeling about him (it seems to jump from his eyes, slide off his clothes onto the things he brushes against) that cries for the end of these songs that he’s always hearing, these self-absorbed ballads of despair and unworthy destruction of all that might have once been worthy. But today he is not bothered by this. He’s decided that it’s time to move on down the train tracks, to that point at which they meet on the horizon, where he’s heard nobody knows your name, and no one hides their own shame. He’s got it bad, that itch that must be scratched, that drives you crazy in bed when you know that you still haven’t earned your night’s sleep, that you just ain’t quite done what you have to do, that there’s some other action that you must bring into this world before you are allowed to pass into another. He often wonders if he’s already passed into that other world, and if this whole time he’s been trying to go back, if he’s been always as long as he can remember stuck at that point of infinity where those two parallel lines meet, where the dead has composed and rotted long enough to become the food for the living. What lies in the West he knows not, but the life of the East, of the men who do not sleep but live in their dreams, yes, this draws him on. For to the East lies the beginning, the fresh birth that smells of newly cut grass and spring rains, where the hobos drink strong whiskey and play fine guitars, singing of the falling-apart of the world as they know it, singing of the apocalypse and crying for the life that is… we’re all hoping for the end, all holding onto the beginning. Who wants the destination, when the road is so difficult? But he sees his reflection on the clear nights, in that ruddy light cast by the planets upon the pothole puddles, and then he feels that solitude in which you know that you’re the only person in your head, not even anybody else’s voices or songs or feelings or saying or thinkings, just you and your realization that you are.