Friday, January 29, 2010


There are days I hesitate to write the date
fate made time fly and I forget how far it took me
shook me like rough weather and I as light as a fly



Friday, January 15, 2010

"Conventional wisdom brings conventional results,"
"Look before you leap,"
"A stitch in time saves nine,"
They say, and I say, hey,
one of those is fine and good on its own,
but tryin' to do all I should, all alone,
I looked before I leaped
from Here to There, and as I peeked 'round
my feet slipped nine times down the mountain
till There became such high ground
that I could only wistfully wonder
how that greener grass over There might feel under
my toes.

"Just goes to show," They say,
"You shoul've taken the less-beaten road."
I reply with a cry, pointing to my bare feet:
"Simplify! simplify! simplify! Didn't you see
the spiny rocky path that way, They?! eh??"
"Okay, okay," say They, "but no pain no gain."
"Your refrain," say I, "will drive me lame,
plus, I got my own game, my own
reason and rhyme, so though I won't say
I don't appreciate your time,
I will say what's yours ain't mine."
And with that I leapt into the void.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

movimientos profundos, lentos, inexorables,
cambios venerables por su misterio sensible
y no comprensible, por su potencia inasible:
mis pies echan raíces, conocen tierra rica,
no se osan explicar el amar de los nutrientes
que los entran, fluyendo de corrientes subterráneas,
nacidas de entes soberanos integrados a las profundididades;
su leche mamada alimienta al flujo
sus lágrimas apreciadas dan espesura rica
su sangre derramada fecunda nueva vida
nacida integrada al porvenir sísmico surgiendo
del pasado cósmico

me tranquilizo, la paz me permite
abrirme, rendirme para que me entre,
me re-ancle y me recentre la energía de aquellos entes
estos entes aquí y ahora y allá y siempre presentes,
fuentes de fuerza vital y de repente destructiva
para que viva la transformación, la re-alineación
de continentes, el quiebre que abre grietas para nuevas vertientes
que me riegan y me sostienen aquí en quietud creadora.